A Friendly Pharmacist

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Have you drank enough water today?

Staying hydrated through the summer seasons is particularly important. Here’s what we need to know πŸ‘‡

πŸ‘‰ being thirsty is a sign of dehydration, other symptoms of mild dehydration can include tiredness, dark coloured urine, headache, dry lips and mouth

πŸ‘‰ the first steps to take if you become dehydrated include seeking shade to cool down and taking small and regular sips of water

πŸ‘‰ the amount of water you need each day will vary and will be increased with hot and humid weather, during exercise, illnesses (especially those with vomiting and diarrhoea) and during pregnancy and breastfeeding

πŸ‘‰ oral rehydration salts (eg potassium, magnesium, sodium) can provide more rapid rehydration than water alone and are the treatment of choice for rehydration following diarrhoea

πŸ‘‰young children and the elderly are at particular risk of developing dehydration especially if they are already unwell and can become severely dehydrated rapidly

πŸ‘‰ alcohol acts as a diuretic and so can contribute to dehydration - following an alcoholic drink with a glass of water can help limit this effect




DISCLAIMER: This information is provided to give an overview and provide you with information that can help you understand different medical conditions and therapies, however it is not here to stop you seeking appropriate medical advise.