
A Friendly Pharmacist are a team of pharmacy experts that provide education, resources and consultation to the community in a friendly and innovative way. 

Have our Pharmacist’s join your care team!

  • Medications Reviews are crucial to improving quality of life. Sadly medications are often missed as the reason for many symptoms we see including falls!. We want to change this! We can provide government funded reviews and also health carer funded reviews

  • We provide first of its kind medication awareness education to health care teams, clients and families.

    It is conducted in a way where no prior knowledge is needed and is not overwhelming!

  • Medication Mangement is where we work with the entire care team and clients to provide the Best medication services, it allows us to be intergrated into the team and provide ongoing education and care. We are the specialists in coordination, contacting GPs, following up with scripts so you do not have to do it!

Pharmacists for Aged Care

  • We have created a Medication Awareness course specifically for Cares in Aged Care! It is the first of its kind, where its delivered in small manageable chunks of information and is interactive to ensure we include cases that our cares are dealing with currently.

  • We provide meaningful reviews for all aged care residents, our reviews are our expertise and we like to make sure our recommendations are followed up!

  • Medication Policies and Procedures. Get our pharmacist to review and update your policies and procedures, we work along side the leadership teams to insure that the P+P are appropriate to the facility! we are also a big fan on providing education for the team to ensure they are followed!

A Friendly Pharmacist Services

Pharmacy Education Services

At AFP our mission is to provide meaningful education to the entire community. Our education is available face to face in person or online.

  • The medication awareness program has been created specifically for residential aged care staff. The course aims to provide a specific and targeted overview of medications used in age care facilities.

    It includes how they work, the common side effects and important practice points for staff. This program is not a typical course where large amounts of information are given at one time. Instead, the program is designed to provide maximum learning capacity by providing small 30 minutes chunks of education that includes facilitated team discussions in a controlled environment with the aim of empowering staff to feel more comfortable and knowledgeable in their role around medications and their application.

    This is an interactive, collaborative course where there is no expected knowledge level.

    Download the information pamphlet here.

  • Coming soon!

    This medication Awareness program has been created specifically for high school aged students.

    This course aims to provide an overview of common medications, drugs and pharmacy services that maybe useful for students, it covers what students might do to help each other out when in circumstances that are unplanned and how medication and drugs act in the body.

    Our founder and the creator of this course was a chemistry and maths high school teacher and is passionate about supporting students through medication awareness.

  • This is the ultimate introduction to medications for Allied health professionals. It is delivered face to face and takes around 60 minutes!

    During the 60 minutes we highlight key medications such as analgesics, psychotropics, blood pressure and diabetic medications. We discuss the need for monitoring and how important the observations of allied health professionals is for ensuring appropriate use of medications. We also touch on the important issues such as access to medications and compliance.

    Pharmacists being part of the allied health team is a key AFP initiative and is imperative to improved medication outcomes of the community.

A Friendly Pharmacist Pharmacy consultation services for medication

Pharmacy Consultation Services

Meet with one of our Friendly Pharmacists to provide review, monitoring, and advice on your medications. Our philosophy is to ensure a holistic patient-centred care model is provided. Therefore we like to ensure we are in collaboration with all health professionals that are involved in your care.  We help coordinate this by discussing your needs with these people

  • We love to get to know our community and help in providing advice and education on their health and well being.

    This service is perfect for your once off questions and advice such as:

    What medications can I take when pregnant or breastfeeding?

    I already take lots of medications, can you help me find something for a cold?

    I am travelling what should I pack?

    I am experiencing these symptoms could they be due to my medication?

    What supplements can I take for cold sores?

  • We offer a follow up service where we personally check in on you or your family. This can be via phone, text or even face to face. This service is tailored to the needs of the client but can include and not limited to; at home blood pressure monitoring, glucose monitoring, appropriate discarding of expired medications.

    This services is great for people that;

    - find it hard to get into a pharmacy

    - don’t feel comfortable asking for advice in the shop setting

    - are taking medication long term

    - Starting a new medication

    - are taking opioids for pain relief

    - have recently been discharged from hospital

    -would like support in achieving health goals

    Our follow up services work on a superscription model and the cost of this is discussed with you on your first visit process start from $10 per month via our text and phone services, it also provides you with access to your AFP for your last minute pharmacy questions for you and your family!

  • Our founder Tabitha McLachlan specialises in Cancer and due to complete her PhD in 2023 in Cancer therapies.

    If you or a family member has recently been diagnosed with Cancer this service is of great benefit. Tabitha provides advice and education to the entire family regarding the cancer therapies, side effects and additional supportive care that is required for cancer patients.

A Friendly Pharmacist founder Tabitha McLachlan

Pharmacy Resources

As part of AFP’s mission in providing meaningful education to the community resources are continually being created to help our community make informed decisions on medications that are based on evidence based practice. 

  • A one page printable guide for what you can take when you experience all your common symptoms in pregnancy including thrush, colds and flus.

  • A one page printable guide on what you can take whilst breastfeeding

  • A guide to the common wounds and how to best treat them.


At AFP we provide programs to support, inspire and advocate for pharmacy in our community

A Friendly Pharmacist Intern Pharmacist Program

Intern Pharmacist Program

This program is designed to supplement the Intern year.

It provides a group setting where all interns can meet to discuss any issues they have with their study or work place. We facilitate the organisation and planning of the intern year to ensure study is done throughout the year whilst maintaining balance. We are here to make this year a little less stressful as you know you have the group and the AFP team behind answering all those questions. 

Applications closed for 2023, they will re-open again at the beginning of 2024.

A Friendly Pharamcist early career pharmacist team program

Early Career Pharmacist team

This program helps softly launch new pharmacist into their careers with an edge. 

The team works together to support each other  in their careers by working together to provide innovating and inspiring solutions to pharmacy issues they see in the work place. Members of the team are facilitated in taking a number of roles during meetings and gatherings to help develop their leadership goals. This group are also role models and mentors for the Intern program. 

This program is a follow on from the intern program and requires you to be part of the AFP internship mentor program, one of the great perks of joining our intern program as the support and collaboration continues!