Children’s Sunscreen

What do we need to look for when choosing a sunscreen for our kids?

  1. Something that is broad spectrum, this means it will filter out both types of UV rays, that is  UVA and UVB 

  2. Something that has an SPF of 30 or more, this ensures almost 97% of UV rays are filtered out

  3. Something that is water resistant - even if not being used for swimming this helps protect kids if they get sweaty or playing with water

Now parents can be assured that in Australia all sunscreens on the market must be approved by the therapeutic goods administration who do extensive testing and reviews to ensure that each sunscreen is safe and effective. 

There is broadly two types of sunscreens to choose from

First, chemical filter sunscreens - these work by absorbing the sun’s UV rays and parents often like using this type of sunscreen as it is easy to apply eg Cancer council kids sunscreen

Second, mineral sunscreens - these work by reflecting UV rays and this type of sunscreen is preferred in younger children and more sensitive skin types as they are less irritating eg Ocean Australia Kids mineral sunscreen

Note on babies: sunscreen is not generally recommended in babies 6 months or younger and should only be used in older babies after hats, protective clothing and seeking shade have been used first

DISCLAIMER: This information is provided to give an overview and provide you with information that can help you understand different medical conditions and therapies, however it is not here to stop you seeking appropriate medical advise. 


Swimmer’s Ear

