Strep Throat

About the condition:

Strep throat is a bacterial throat infection. We must make it clear that strep throat is NOT the same as tonsilitis, although they have similar presentation they are not the same infection. Strep throat is a specific bacteria that has infected the throat and sometimes can infect the tonsils. Tonsillitis is inflammation of the tonsils and is caused by a different type of bacteria or viruses.

Strep throats name comes from the bacteria responsible for the infection - streptococcus pyogenes. It commonly affects children and young adults.

Many viral infections list sore throat as a symptom, so where does strep throat differ?

  • Sudden onset

  • Absence of other cold-like symptoms such as runny nose, cough, diarrhoea

  • Swollen cervical lymph nodes

Note:  the most common cause of sore throat are viral infections

Other Symptoms

  • Fever

  • Lethargy

  • Reduced appetite

  • Mucus on the tonsils

  • Dysphahia or difficulty swallowing

Who needs treating?
Not everyone who has strep throat will need antibiotics and that is because the large marjority of cases will resolve on their own and antibiotics generally only shorten the duration of strep throat by 1 day.

Individuals that should be treated with antibiotics are those with severe symptoms and those at high risk of developing acute rheumatic fever, such as First Nations people or if you live in a rural or remote community.

Symptom management:

  • Gargle salt water ( ½ a teaspoon of salt water, in 250mL of boiled and cooled water )

  • Keep fluids up!

About the treatments:
The most common antibiotic used to treat strep throat is called phenoxymethylpenicillin and treatment usually lasts for 10 days, alternatively cefalexin can be used in certain circumstances.


Therapeutic Guidelines

DISCLAIMER: This information is provided to give an overview and provide you with information that can help you understand different medical conditions and therapies, however it is not here to stop you seeking appropriate medical advise.

